Make it your goal to live a quiet life, minding your own business and working with your hands, just as we instructed you before. Then people who are not Christians will respect the way you live, and you will not need to depend on others. First Thessalonians 4:11-12 (NLT)

Thursday, April 21, 2011

I moved some plants to larger pots today. Out of 72 cabbbage seeds planted, 42 have been transferred. 6 brussel sprouts out of 9 survived. Some tomatoes are transplanted, but most are not ready. The lettuce and radishes are slowly growing. I need to order more lettuce seed for the remaining salad trays. I think I will also order some head lettuce and romaine seed. The rain doesn't seem to stop.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Spring is here!

I am grateful for Spring!

I am linking up with for:
Thanks Laura, for hosting us! Check out more great posts at here.

Signs of Spring from around the homestead:

Violets - my absolute favorite

Lilac buds - my second favorite

Baby helicopters - Maple tree seeds

My salad tray - radishes on the left, scattered leaf lettuce on the rest.

Red and Green Leaf Lettuce.
Thanks Laura, for hosting us!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Catch Up

We have been doing lots of yard work whenever the weather is clear. Transplanted some peony's, iris, and lilies from Mom's house to ours; mulched where needed; tilled the garden again; planted a few more peppers. They don't seem to be coming up too well, so I may end up buying plants.

The new trees are doing well. We put a protective barrier around each tree and then a layer of mulch to keep the weeds from growing up around them, and to keep us from running over them.

The apple trees are starting to bud, and a few blooms have opened. I hope we can get lots of apples this year. We are now out of apple butter, so we will plan a Saturday in October to have an Apple Fest. We will again use the large iron kettle and do this outdoors. I would also like to get a cider press so we can make apple cider.

Mr. B and PB built a salad tray for me, so it is planted with a variety of leaf lettuce and some radishes. They are coming up well. I am anxious to have my first salad!
This week's to-do list:
  • Decide on what herbs to put into raised bed
  • Transplant larger seedlings into pots to place in green house
  • Plant next round of brussel sprouts
  • Find and order seed corn to plant
  • Organize garage storage
  • Inventory jars for preserving
  • Refinish ottoman
  • Finish making napkins
  • Cut and put border on clean-up towels
  • Plan Easter dinner menu
  • Shop for Easter dinner
  • Make Easter dress
  • Remove sod and prepare for raised bed for herbs
  • Remove rocks from garden

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Long Day

Today has been a long, but successful day. We transplanted one tree on our property, planted 2 Hazelnut trees, 2 cherry trees, 3 peach trees, 4 apple trees, and 4 bartlett pear trees. Also spent time preparing for a party tomorrow. It will be a few years before we can harvest anything from our trees, but I am really looking forward to watching them grow.

My seeds are sprouting! Most of the cabbage have come up, and several of the tomatoes. I hope I didn't start the tomatoes too late. Since this is my first year to grow them from seed I had to go by what I read. We will see if they are ready to put in the ground by May 10th.

Mrs. B