Make it your goal to live a quiet life, minding your own business and working with your hands, just as we instructed you before. Then people who are not Christians will respect the way you live, and you will not need to depend on others. First Thessalonians 4:11-12 (NLT)

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Planting Time

We got the garden planted yesterday - most of it anyway. I will wait another week or two before I put out my peppers and tomatoes.

Corn - 6 1/2 rows
Beans - Red Kidney - 6
             Jacob's Cattle Pinto - 9
             Great Northern - 9
             Coco Rubico - 9
             Derby Bush - 60
Peas - Sugar Snap 2 rows 8 ft long
           Karina - 2 rows 15 ft long
Cabbage - 40 (out of 72 seeds started)
Onions - Walla Walla
               Super Star
               Candy Apple Red
Potatoes - Kennebec - 5 hills with 3 in each
                 Yukon Gold - 4 hills with 3 in each
Garlic - (will check count when they come up more)

We got the Herb Garden area dug out and the box put in place. I need to find some compost to finish filling it up. I purchased a sweet basil, stevia, and sweet mint plant. I still need to find several additional herbs for this area.

It was a beautiful day for gardening, the first rain-free day in weeks. It strated raining late last night so the garden is now well watered.

Mrs. B

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